Animation Video: "Nai Bhana Nai"
Coming Soon
TSHK is working on the animated video project "Nai Bhana Nai". "Nai Bhana Nai " is the Nepali translated version of the song " Gotta Say No " written by Wendy Fine & Judy Irwing and produced by Hilton Rosenthal. This song has been translated into many difference languages and TSHK has the permission to translate the song into Nepali language. The song will teach the children to protect themselves from bullies and abuses and help them to understand the emotions to react to it appropriately. It will be released in the YouTube as the animation video. Since bullying and abusing starts at very young age, the video is targeted towards the young children. It's important to teach them to stand up for themselves and say "No" or "Stop" when they feel something is not right. We believe that the video is going to the powerful tool to teach children about bullying and abuse and standing against these as the song is simple and relatable to children's emotions.
Social Media Interviews and Posts 2021
Various times in 2021
Nepal and USA
In an attempt to raise awareness about child sexual abuse and to let wider audience know about the effort TSHK is making in this, various members of our team have been attending different social media interviews and talk programs. Following is a list of such programs for 2021
Covid series done by National Law College(NaLC) : Conversation about Child Sexual abuse and mental health
Facebook Live Series by Malvika Subba - Child Sexual Abuse Awareness
Virtual Session on Child Sexual Abuse with Rotary Club of District 3292 Nepal and Yala Nepal
Pocket Book Launch
March 2021
Madison, WI, USA
Pocket book is a small book that fit on the palm of hand and is small enough to fit in a pocket. We designed this books as an educational giveaway to participants during the TSHK outreach programs at schools. This book includes kid- friendly infographics on early warning signs, private parts, boundaries, safe networks, and more, on both the English and Nepali languages. The book is 3”x4” with a keyring that kids can hang in their backpack. This is a useful resource for kids to understand and remind themselves about the body safety rules. We also think this would be useful for parents to initiate a daily conversation regarding body safety rules with their kids.